9. Accounting
9.2. Chart of Accounts
9.1.3. Business Cycle Settings
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9.2.1. Create New Accounts
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9.2. Chart of Accounts

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Chart of Accounts

Image COAMenu.JPG

To access your Chart of Accounts, click on Accounting and then on the Chart of Accounts menu option. There is one submenu item under the Chart of Accounts menu and that is Create New Accounts. You can also create new accounts from the Chart of Accounts window.

Image COAList.JPG

Chart of Accounts Window Icons Description
Create a new accounts This option allows you to create new accounts.
Search accounts This option allows you to search for accounts by name, number or type.
Export accounts to a spreadsheet This option allows you to export your Chart of Accounts to a spreadsheet.
9.2. Chart of Accounts
9. Accounting
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9.1.3. Business Cycle Settings
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9.2.1. Create New Accounts